Peter and Lukas Moser founded the company on November 9th in 2000.
The CEO of the company is Lukas Moser. He is supported by a cfd engineer.
After the apprenticeship as engine mechanic, Lukas Moser went on College of Technology in Winterthur. After that, Process engineering was the subject area he studied at ETH Zurich.
While studying at ETH he collected work experience in the following industry sectors:
• Müller Martini: construction of book binding machines
• Sandoz Pharma AG: involved in the development of a pharmaceutical Product with membrane technology.
• Schw. Lokomotivfabrik Winterthur (SLM): commissioning and measurement of performance of a cogwheel locomotive.
• SLM: write a program for Calculating/Choosing the springs between locomotive body and bogie.
• Sulzer ChemTech: combustion of sewage sludge in a fluidized bed